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Custom group

Create a group with a custom name and add individual power and energy sensors to it.

Create group with GUI

You can create a new group with the GUI using this button.


When this is not working.

  • Go to Settings -> Devices & Services
  • Click Add integration
  • Search and click Powercalc

Select Group -> Custom and follow the instructions.


After you have created a group you can directly assign a virtual power sensor to it when creating the power sensor by selecting the group in the Group field. You can also create group directly from the power sensor creation page, by filling in a custom group name in the Group field.


Currently sensors registering negative energy values are not supported in groups.

Create group with YAML

You can combine the entities option and create_group to group individual power sensors into a group.

    - create_group: All hallway lights
        - entity_id: light.hallway
        - entity_id: light.living_room
            min_power: 0.5
            max_power: 8

This will create the following entities:

  • sensor.hallway_power
  • sensor.hallway_energy
  • sensor.living_room_power
  • sensor.living_room_energy
  • sensor.all_hallway_lights_power (group sensor)
  • sensor.all_hallway_lights_energy (group sensor)

Nesting groups

You can also nest groups, this makes it possible to add an entity to multiple groups.

    - create_group: All lights
        - entity_id: light.a
        - entity_id: light.b
        - create_group: Upstairs lights
            - entity_id: light.c
            - create_group: Bedroom Bob lights
                - entity_id: light.d

Each group will have power sensors created for the following lights:

  • All lights: light.a, light.b, light.c, light.d
  • Upstairs lights: light.c, light.d
  • Bedroom Bob lights: light.d


a maximum nesting level of 5 groups is allowed!

Hide individual sensors

To hide individual power sensors, and only have the group sensor available in HA GUI you can use the hide_members option. When you used the GUI to create the group sensor you can use the Hide members toggle.

Adding non powercalc sensors

Sometimes you want to add some power and energy sensors to your group which already exist in your HA installation. For example some Zwave/Zigbee plug with built-in power monitoring.

In YAML you can use the power_sensor_id and energy_sensor_id options for that. Let's assume your smart plug provides sensor.heater_power and sensor.heater_kwh. We want to add these to the group Living Room.

You can use the following configuration:

    - create_group: Living Room
        - power_sensor_id: sensor.heater_power
          energy_sensor_id: sensor.heater_kwh
        - entity_id: light.hallway #Powercalc sensor


When you don't supply energy_sensor_id, but only power_sensor_id powercalc tries to find a related energy sensor on the same device. When it cannot find one Powercalc will create an energy sensor.

If you use the GUI to create the groups you can use Additional power entities and Additional energy entities options.


Also see Real power sensor

Automatically include entities

Powercalc has some options to automatically include entities in your group matching certain criteria. This can be useful to you don't have to manually specify each and every sensor.

See include entities for more information.

Force creating Riemann sum sensor

By default the group energy sensor created by Powercalc is a simple sum of the energy sensors of the individual entities. When you have create_energy_sensor: false for the individual entities, the group energy sensor will not be created. force_calculate_group_energy can be used to force the creation of a Riemann sum sensor for the group. This will take the group power sensor as the source and integrate it over time.

For example:

    - create_group: all lights
      create_energy_sensor: true
      force_calculate_group_energy: true
        - create_group: living lights
          create_energy_sensor: false
            - entity_id: light.tv_lamp
            - entity_id: light.reading_light
            - ...

This way you can still create an energy sensor even when the individual entities don't have one. When you are not interested in the individual energy sensors of each light this could be a good solution.


Beware that if your group also consists of daily energy sensors the Riemann sum sensor will not be accurate, as it's could be missing the data of this sensor, because it does not always have a power sensor. So you only must use this option when the group power sensor contains all the power data from individual entities.