Profile library
Powercalc ships with a huge library of predefined power profiles for different devices. You can find the list of supported devices on the dedicated library viewer. This library will keep extending by the effort of community users.
At startup Powercalc will scan your HA installation and tries to match if any of them are in the library, when found it will provide a discovery flow for you to setup. More info about the discovery process can be found here. You can also setup Powercalc sensors for a entity manually, see Virtual power library.
Starting from version 1.12.0 all the power profiles are moved out of the component and are downloaded from the internet on demand. This way we can roll out updates to the library without the need to update the component. Also you only need to download the profiles you actually use, saving bandwidth and storage.
The library is hosted on GitHub, so you need an internet connection to download the profiles. When you prefer to have full local control, you can disable the library in the configuration. See [Disable download feature].
For more information about the library structure, See structure.
To contribute new profiles see the measure section.
More information about how to setup specific device types can be found in the device types section.
Custom models
If you have a device that is not in the library, you can create a custom model. When it can be useful to share this model with the community, please consider submitting it to the library.
Custom models are stored in the config/powercalc/profiles
You'll need to apply the same structure as the core library, with a subdirectory for the manufacturer and model id.
For example:
│ └-profiles/
│ ├-tp-link/
│ │ ├─HS100/
│ │ │ ├─model.json
│ │ └─...
Custom models are loaded before the built-in library models, so you can override the library models by creating a custom model with the same manufacturer and model id.
Disable download feature
If you want to disable the download feature, you can set the use the disable_library_download
option in the configuration.
disable_library_download: true
This will prevent the component from downloading the library profiles from the internet.
You will have to manage the library profiles yourself, by downloading them from the GitHub repository and placing them in the config/powercalc/profiles
Updating the library
The library is updated automatically in the background under the following conditions. Once the update process is complete, a discovery routine will be initiated to potentially discover new supported entities on your system.
- At Each Startup: The library checks for updates whenever the system is started.
- Every Two Hours: Updates are scheduled to run automatically every two hours.
- Manual Trigger: Updates can also be initiated manually by invoking the action
This ensures that you always have the latest power profiles available, without the need to restart HA.