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Multiply Factor

This feature allows you to multiply the calculated power.

This can be useful in the following use cases:

  • You have a bunch of similar lights which you control as a group and want a single power sensor.
  • You are using a LED strip from the LUT models, but you have extended or shortened it.

Let's assume you have a combination of 4 GU10 spots in your ceiling in a light group light.livingroom_spots

    - entity_id: light.livingroom_spots
      multiply_factor: 4

This will add the power sensor sensor.livingroom_spots_power and the measured power will be multiplied by 4, as the original measurements are for 1 spot.

By default the multiply factor will NOT be applied to the standby power, you can set the multiply_factor_standby to do this.

    - entity_id: light.livingroom_spots
      multiply_factor: 4
      multiply_factor_standby: true


A multiply_factor lower than 1 will decrease the power. For example 0.5 will half the power.